CKA Committee Minutes

Thursday 9th September 2010, 8 pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Vacant)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Liv Armitage)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Rachel Watts)


City Rep [Simon McGregor]

Phoenix Rep [Adrian Dobbyne]

Lions Rep []

Tigers Rep [Chris West]

University Rep []

Vikings Rep [Martin Brown]


All clubs to try and find a volunteer secretary, publicity, junior and senior development officers.

Andy R to arrange a refereeing course – Graham Crafter will run a post qualification session. Dates of Saturday 2nd or Sunday 3rd October proposed at CRC.

Liv to send email to see if there's demand for a level 1 coaching course - done.

Andy D to talk to Adam and Nick A about getting junior league fixtures and results on CKA website – junior league didn't complete.

Howard to send email to new club being started in Spalding about how we might work together - done, no reply.

Tigers to pass Division 1 shield to City – done.

Vikings to make sure they have the Division 2 shield – Vikings have Division 2 and 3 shields.

Howard to email the NKA about East Anglian (EA) Cup - done, Sunday September 19th, UEA.

All clubs


Emailed ADP to clubs for them to complete their sections. No response. Reminder sent after a month. No further response yet. EKA doesn't seem to want the ADPs so we'll remove the club census sections.


(chair) Emailed contacts template spreadsheet to clubs. Only Uni have responded. Reminder sent after a month. No further response yet. Some clubs waiting to finalise captains. Contact list needs to be in place for new season.


Accounts attached.


All seasons fixtures should have been completed by time of meeting. Season gone relatively smoothly. Play-offs arranged. Liaising with Andy R to sort out refs.


Nick to look at referee's rating of teams statistics to see if behaviour is getting better.

Nick A



Junior League Review. The junior league was meant to have been completed by now, however only 2 matches have been played. As it stands, Milton Road are top on goal difference.

CKA U16 team. Recently I invited players to join the CKA U16 team for games in Norwich. In the end only Vikings players were available, so it became a Vikings U16 team instead. We lost to Norwich City but beat Norwich Dragons.

National Youth Day. National Youth Day will be held on Sunday July 4th, in West Wickham, Kent. Could CKA Clubs please let me know how many teams and which age groups they plan to enter? Clubs with only a few players may wish to join with another club for the day. We will be looking to hire a bus to take players down. Again, please let me know if you would like to be included in the bus, and approximately how many seats you think you will require.

(Adam) For CKA U19 competition the plan is to take the squad to a good standard tournament.


Awaiting reply from Tigers, Lions and Vikings about refereeing course.


Currently trying to set up a level 1 course in October as there has been lots of interest from various clubs.



Nothing to report.



- need to find and appoint junior development officer

- organise tournament days with adhoc teams if necessary. Clubs with junior sections to do this in rotation.

- junior development sub-committee – no meeting since August 2009.
- junior league – started, but not completed.

- organise Cambridgeshire junior teams – no competitions on the horizon at present.
- improve junior section of CKA website – Junior's blog created.


- need to find and appoint senior development officer

- actively work to create new clubs – Finding hall time and volunteers to help start this is an issue.
- expand the geographic base of the CKA – new club needs to be in a new area.
- coaching courses – Level 1 course organisation in progress.

- refereeing courses – trying to arrange, see above.

City, Tigers, Vikings


Uni would like volunteers to help coach their second team. At the moment they've only got volunteers to do the occasional session.

All clubs


League Entries (in order from last year). 23 teams - 2 new teams (T5, C6) and 2 teams from last year not entering (V5, L3)

C1, T1, C2, V1, P1, T2, V2, P2
U1, L1, C3, T3 ,L2, C4, V3, V4
P3, T4, U2, P4, C5 + T5, C6

We will keep the division structure the same with 8/8/7.

Season dates:
CKA season will start on Sunday October the 3rd. This is subject to getting the info from clubs such that I can schedule the games in time. Division 3 has traditionally started a week or two later. Only once the fixtures are done will I work out the status periods (the SERL games are likely to push a lot of CKA division1 games to later in the season). Can clubs make sure they have their halls available for their matches ready to start that from Oct 3rd.

All clubs


A small number (probably 2) Lions players intend to register with the EKA for Vikings and play for Vikings in the SERL. This is allowed under CKL rules.


Wednesday or Thursday, late October, venue TBD.