CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday 4th June 2015, 8pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Sara Neaves)

Treasurer (Vacant)

Fixtures (Laura Neaves)

Results (Mark Wassell)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Angela Gibbs )


City Rep(s) [Gavin Belsham]

Lions Rep(s) []

Phoenix Rep(s) []

Tigers Rep(s) []

University Rep(s) [Dan Crenol, Jade Doughty]

Vikings Rep(s) [Chris Brown, Phil Morton]


Laura needs to be DBS checked to be able to do DBS identity checks.
Clubs to find volunteers or suggestions for who could be approached to be treasurer.

Mark to create a CKA Twitter account -Mark to select new CKA email address for account and to put feed on website – account and email address created. Still to put feed on website.

Sara to send updated contact list - done

Uni to come up with a plan with targets and dates of how there are going to work towards developing referees in order to cover their commitments – see agenda item below







Junior player:

Josh Dawes (Tigers)

was approved to play in the CKL.


Nothing to report




Nothing to report




Nothing to report

COACHING (Vacant):



Nothing to report.


Uni sent 6 people on the introduction to refereeing course. One of these took the theory test, but unfortunately failed. 8 existing Uni players will be here next season – 4 1st team, 3 have played korfball for more than a year.

Uni would have had 12 refereeing commitments in the 2014/15 season, but these were covered by the CKA clubs.

After some discussion the following plan and targets up until the end of the year was agreed:

- 4 people having passed the theory test by 15th November

- 5 people to attend an introduction to refereeing course in Cambridge, during full term, by the end of the year.

- 1 person to be practically assessed by the end of the year, but not necessarily approved.

Jade will be around in Cambridge over the summer and would like to attend a club's training sessions, where she could get some refereeing practice in addition to training.

The CKA clubs will cover Uni's commitments until the end of the yea, which should be about 5 commitments, 1 per club.

The situation will be assessed again at the end of the year.


(Ellen Pearce, Phoenix)

Existing text:

{4.1.5 If any team fields an ineligible player the opposition will be offered the choice of a walkover victory or letting the match result stand, after the match. The opposition team must choose and inform the results officer before their next match or within 2 weeks, whichever is sooner. This choice will be final. If a team does not choose within the time limit the the following 3 CKA Officers : Fixtures Officer, Results Officer and Chair (the 'league sub-committee') will agree upon a choice for the team}

Proposed new text:

4.1.5 If any team fields an ineligible player the opposition will be awarded a walkover victory if the goal difference of the result is less than that of a walkover, otherwise the match result will stand.

4.1.10 All junior (under 18) players must be approved by the CKA i.e. an underage player request form for the player must be completed and approved by the CKA committee, before they can play in the CKA League. If a junior player who has not been approved plays in the CKA League then the penalties are :-

Existing text:

{the opposition will be offered the choice of a walkover victory or letting the match result stand, after the match. The opposition team must choose and inform the results officer before their next match or within 2 weeks, whichever is sooner. This choice will be final. If a team does not choose within the time limit the the following 3 CKA Officers : Fixtures Officer, Results Officer and Chair (the 'league sub-committee') will agree upon a choice for the team.}

Proposed new text:

the opposition will be awarded a walkover victory if the goal difference of the result is less than that of a walkover, otherwise the match result will stand.

There was support for the proposal It will be put to the AGM for a decision.


Existing walkovers are 10-0 for 1st division, 7-0 for 2nd division and 5-0 for all other divisions. Are these set correctly for present expected results ?

Howard to ask Adam what the statistics he'd recently done suggest.


(Phil Morton)

England Korfball – Club Health Programme

The work with the pilot clubs is proceeding and lessons are being learnt to simplify the process.

There are currently some adverts out for two roles which are part of the programme, one is for “ambassadors” – a paid role which provides support to clubs as they go through the process and for which EKA are providing funding and the other is for volunteers to form a “national panel” who provide a bit of oversight and QA for the scheme.

While this might seem a bit premature given that so far funding is only available for this financial year but the intention is to put in place resources to help deliver the programme so that on the assumption that it goes ahead in that the budget is approved at the AGM, everything is in place for clubs who want to crack on.

The plan is for resources in the form of guidance and templates will appear over the summer either from somewhere like Club Matters or if necessary of our own manufacture.

We are waiting for final confirmation of the content of the Level 2 coaching course before elements of the scheme can be completed. (this is about the extent to which things like diversity training are included in the coaching course)

There is a Club and Coaching weekend being planned for 5th/6th September. The first day is effectively CPD for coaches – apparently a similar session was held last year. The second day is for club leadership and will include a series of workshops, a couple of more generic ones on finance and marketing and two with a specific korfball origin on attracting new members and use of social media. The day is likely to be arranged to allow attendance at two out of three.

There will need to be a small charge for the venue ( the school in Croydon) and we don’t know if it will be done on an individual basis or per club. (per club might encourage more attendees per club). This is planned to be the launch of the scheme after which applications from clubs will be welcomed. This is all based on the presumption that the necessary agreement on budget etc is reached at the AGM.


AGM, mid-July.